Tuesday, May 31, 2011

partes del corazon

partes del corazon. partes del corazón,
  • partes del corazón,

  • lordonuthin
    May 10, 09:02 PM
    But you loose the bigadv unit every time almost no?

    That is true, unfortunately with my new i7980x I haven't gotten any bigadv units yet, I may need to reinstall folding to see if that works, which means losing a normal unit... And most of the problems were before I had folding going anyway.

    partes del corazon. La Nebulosa del Corazón IC
  • La Nebulosa del Corazón IC

  • susiequest
    Nov 24, 01:24 AM
    I was in the Best Buy in West Los Angeles and they have the previous models Macbooks and Macbooks pros. I asked if they were sending them back to Apple and they said they were blowing out all the discontinued Macs at 5 am Black Friday. The manager there said I could buy the entry model Macbook for $899.99! Its the first generation with Intel core duo but so what. They also had the Macbook pros too. This is the info I got that day. He also said they had the most inventory and the other Bestbuys weren't as aggressive in pricing which I believe because I was at another store and they had none of the older macs.

    1.83MacbookCD white $899.99
    2.0 Macbook Pro $1499.99
    2.16 Macbook Pro $1699.99

    They had other models too but I could only see so much in those tacky cages.

    partes del corazon. Me partes el corazón no seas tímida!! / You break my heart don#39;t be shy!
  • Me partes el corazón no seas tímida!! / You break my heart don#39;t be shy!

  • tech4all
    Nov 24, 01:44 AM
    I was hoping for a little more of a discount on some of those items. I'd figure with the Nano at least $20 off from $149. Guess we'll just have to wait and see. Only about 15 minutes to go for 12:00am PST! :)

    partes del corazon. partes con el corazon
  • partes con el corazon

  • DoFoT9
    May 15, 11:52 PM
    ok. i might try and set it up next weekend. we'll see. only 2 more weeks here though! thank goodness!

    haha yay! lucky :D let me know how it goes!


    partes del corazon. Corazón movible
  • Corazón movible

  • Yannick
    Oct 19, 10:04 AM
    I would love to know what the worldwide figure is for Apple market percentage. I know it says here that its not in the top 5, hence no available data, but it would be interesting to see, particularly here in the UK, as the amount of people I know who have switched in the last year has been huge!!


    It would be very interesting to see international figures and national figures.

    partes del corazon. el corazón; las arterias
  • el corazón; las arterias

  • macenforcer
    Sep 25, 01:00 PM
    LAME! Apple you suck.


    partes del corazon. Mis Tres Partes de mi Corazon Mis Hijos Adorados
  • Mis Tres Partes de mi Corazon Mis Hijos Adorados

  • GeekLawyer
    May 3, 01:52 PM
    I don't really get this... You already pay fees for the data - why do they care for how you use it?Because you then sign a contract that says how you agree to use it. This is outside of that agreement. If you want to sign an agreement to use the data in a different way, I'm sure the carrier will accommodate you. But get your wallet open.

    partes del corazon. Corazón grande
  • Corazón grande

  • Mad Mac Maniac
    Apr 21, 01:53 PM
    Very true. At the same time I will read and form an opinion of the topic all on my own. I'm sure I'm not alone there, but then again I am sure many will take the popular vote route and just form their opinion based on that. Either way, a post that is good for you and me may not be good for others. I've had a fair share of PMs about my posts, both in support of and against. It is all subjective, as you say, and this rating system will be similar.

    well sometimes there is an article about different kind of processor, chips or whatever. some stuff that I don't know anything about. So then I like to look at the votes and see if this is something that is good or bad for Apple. I like to think that majority of the people voting have the same love of apple products and have more insight on this issue than I do.


    partes del corazon. partes del corazón y del
  • partes del corazón y del

  • balamw
    Apr 27, 05:32 PM
    One favor, I'm not answering more quiz questions, I get your point.. I still need to learn more fundamentals.. I get it, just please contribute with the thread to find solutions or not.. (there are many Professional Forums).

    You clearly have not read the two articles I linked back in post #20 http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=12467980&postcount=20.

    You don't "get it".

    The "quiz questions" are necessary because we don't know what it is you know or think you know. We can't read your mind. This is how information is exchanged and we can come to the appropriate level or explanation to be able to help you. It can also help you find the answer yourself by talking through it.

    Helping you help yourself is the best way we know how to contribute to the thread.

    We've all been there, even the hard-core pros. Sometimes you just can't see the answer that is right in front of your eyes until you try explaining it so someone else.

    Please answer this question which I posed earlier in the thread. What books, sites, videos, etc... have you been using to get you to this point and what additional resources are you looking to delve into next.

    Given the things it is clear you don't understand, picking the right resources to use to learn the fundamentals you are missing is quite important.

    EDIT: Finally, just a comment, PhoneyDeveloper pointed out that you had a parallel thread on the Apple Discussion forums. JMHO, but that's poor netiquette and is a waste of both your time and ours. At least link the two conversations, so folks don't end up repeating what someone else said on the other forum. Even just to say "someone over at the Apple Discussion Fourms (link) suggested ..."


    partes del corazon. cada parte de mi corazón
  • cada parte de mi corazón

  • ccrandall77
    Aug 1, 10:07 AM
    I seriously don't understand why people and countries have a problems with Apple's DRM???? You don't have to buy from iTunes and if you do, you know the limitations of that download. If you don't like it, buy elsewhere... iTunes is hardly a monopoly... besides, wouldn't you rather have the CD so you can rip it into a lossless format, have the CD sleeve, etc.???

    I've purchased a lot off of iTunes and then I bought an Archos PMP. Ya it sucked that I couldn't play my iTunes music on there without burning it to CD and re-ripping it, but so what! I knew what I was getting when I downloaded from iTunes so I have no right to bitch.


    partes del corazon. Me duele el corazón y el alma
  • Me duele el corazón y el alma

  • chrisdazzo
    Apr 6, 10:21 AM

    Bought it yesterday.

    The things I would do for a 512... :(

    partes del corazon. divididas en cinco partes:
  • divididas en cinco partes:

  • SandynJosh
    Mar 28, 05:05 PM
    I voted this negative because Apple won't accept certain apps for doing reasonable things. "dangerous" if done incorrectly, but reasonable.

    Until devs can do all of the low level things they need to, this is a bad move.

    Think about it. If Apple sells an app (via the Mac App Store) that modifies the system, then they need to take that into account when troubleshooting hardware issues, and can't tell you to eliminate the app they sold you.


    partes del corazon. mismas partes. Ten corazón
  • mismas partes. Ten corazón

  • Lyra
    Aug 2, 05:26 AM
    So a ratio isn't necessarily a ratio, then? It depends on the population size?

    You are aiming at being impossible right now...

    A ratio doesn't always mean what people want it to mean... Simple as that...

    It is all about how you twist and turn the results...

    People talk, about how many voted for Bush and actually like him, or how many people hate Bush and wish he wasn't president... Which do you think dominates the US networks?

    Shall we talk about statistics now?

    Cause I would hate to go off topic...

    Let us just stick to the main subject here.

    Explain to me why you people feel threatened, harmed or hurt by the DRM?

    How does it affect you?

    What would you like if it wasn't there?

    And what kind of reality would suit you best?

    Make a case here so we can understand why you are so hung up on this crusade...

    partes del corazon. cuántas partes tu corazón
  • cuántas partes tu corazón

  • Compile 'em all
    Jul 22, 08:21 AM
    I'm sorry, but these video stunts are just bogus and have no credibility. Clearly on 3 of them the person holding the phone is applying a lot of vice-like pressure and squeezing the phones as hard as possible. You can see the arm shaking from applying so much force and the thumb turns red. Do they think people are that stupid? That is far removed from realistic usage of the phones, whereas the problem with the iPhone 4 is just touching it in a certain spot.

    Apple is making it worse because instead of just being honest and forthcoming, they are now lying and trying to distract from the real issue. People will be understanding and wouldn't care if Apple would just be contrite, educate people about facts and make an attempt to rectify the situation. They did that by giving away the bumpers and sharing the data about dropped calls which helps their case that it is still a great phone, but everything else they have done damages their brand. Their attempt to mislead people from the facts is not helping.

    What real issues?

    Apple are selling iPhones as fast as they can make them.

    Aside from a tiny minority on the internet, the avg. joe is out there enjoying and using their new iPhone. If it was a big issue as the media portrayed it, Apple wouldn't be selling a single unit.

    You people are funny.


    partes del corazon. las partes del corazón
  • las partes del corazón

  • Tibbar
    Apr 5, 02:21 PM
    My friend got back to me, and here's what he said:

    "I am very familiar with the Xbox support scenario, and I can tell you that a call center agent would have no idea about the last IP address of a Xbox Live user. If Microsoft chose to log and aggregate this information, its currently not exposed for any support use. I'd recommend that he call Microsoft and have them disable the Live account, and file an insurance claim for the hardware and cut his losses."

    partes del corazon. de partes del corazon.
  • de partes del corazon.

  • Perrumpo
    Apr 8, 12:19 PM
    You definitely don't want to judge Room by its cover. Disturbing premise.
    And Connelly's latest Mickey Haller novel.

    Westy 12. Best beer in the world, only available in Belgium.

    The fantastic Dreadnaught Imperial IPA from Three Floyds, only in Indiana.

    Beer run

    Shelf for beer

    And some coffee Patron for good measure.


    partes del corazon. partes dañadas del corazón
  • partes dañadas del corazón

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 29, 04:00 PM
    iCal is awesome. Looks great; works great even in full screen mode.

    The only issue is that in week view, the fonts are not properly anti-aliased.

    I think Apple should have chosen Lucida Grande as a consistent font across the OS. iCal + Lucida Grande is much better than iCal + Helvetica which looks crap.

    They need to get rid of Helvetica for Lion and other apps. PLEASE.

    partes del corazon. todas las partes ¿o no?
  • todas las partes ¿o no?

  • erratikmind
    Mar 17, 08:27 AM
    Enjoy your new iPad. Based on your comments, you conscience is clear and unencumbered. Personally, I do not agree nor practice your way of thinking/living. However, to each his/her own methods.

    Any means to justify a self serving end . . . Quite sad actually.

    When the messenger of Misery comes knocking at your door, it will be of your own doing.

    partes del corazon. con forma de corazón que
  • con forma de corazón que

  • bearbo
    Jan 12, 02:29 AM
    And only 200 new patents.

    please tell me you know about the process of obtaining a patent.

    if i have the money, i can come up with 5 things, right now, to be patented. but you don't care, do you.

    point being, it's not hard to get patent... as long as you fulfill those 3 requirement (novelty, non-obviousness, usefulness), and after a few yrs, you will be grant a patent.

    the lacks of buttons on a phone could ne novel and non-obvious, but is that really THAT exciting? sure it's great and all, but c'mon, it's not revolutionary.

    i'm not saying iphone is crap, it's just disappointing from all the hype.

    Sep 12, 08:29 AM
    Wow those analysts really are going out on a limb with those predictions.

    I am still of the opinion that the key to todays announcements is a large (30-50"), imac-styled, wall-mounted(?) computer with FULL media center capabilities. It would team up nicely with the iTunes movies angle and could be what the initial rumors of a 30" iMac were all about. £2000+ price point. HD, 5/7.1, inbuilt digital TV decoder. Consumer electronics? Maybe the 24" iMac was pushed out early to squash the 30" rumor? Just a guess.

    Ah well... not long now....

    May 4, 07:08 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    My girlfriend is Chinese and she just doesn't understand our obsession with guns (understandably so). I don't either!

    What are people so afraid of that they need guns to protect themselves from?

    What are you so confident in? That 4-10 minutes IS fast enough to protect you, your daughters, or your property? How dependent should we be on the government?

    National defense, not self defense

    Aug 15, 12:12 PM
    i bet its pretty close to the other ones? thus the heat.

    well yeah, they are all close together. but only 1 of the cards did that. the others didn't get over 80C

    Oct 3, 03:50 PM
    ...I'd like The Steve to walk on stage and announce that they absolutely will not release certain products, so the ones that keep coming up as rumours over and over again that stand no chance of ever seeing the light of day (Apple phone, I'm looking at you) stop getting taken seriously, and the rumour sites that have promoted the idea finally get egg on their faces.

    That's the thing at the moment.


    I understand what you are saying, but man, it was a tough read. Did anyone else have a hard time?

    Oh, and I don't agree with your assertions.

    cult hero
    Mar 24, 09:26 PM
    Downhill since Tiger.

    I don't think I've ever seen such a consistent troll on any forum.

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